AAPI Activism & Int'l Solidarity


Event Description:

“Join TAPAS to hear Ruodi Duan present on how, from waging the Vietnam anti-war movement to standing in solidarity with BLM, AAPI political identity is and has been shaped by a solidarity with a diversity of struggles from around the world.

Ruodi Duan is is a Ph.D. candidate in international history. She is currently working on a dissertation about the discourses and practices of Afro-Asianism from the post-Bandung vantage points of China, Tanzania, and the transnational networks of the African American left. Her other academic interests include Asian American history, Pacific history, and cultural and ethnic studies.

The Task Force on Asian American Progressive Advocacy and Studies (TAPAS) is an advocacy organization at Harvard that aims to support Asian American communities and advocate for various progressive causes. In the past, we've enjoyed collaborating with various student organizations to advocate for the creation of an ethnic studies department, to support affirmative action at Harvard, to host a panel discussing Southeast Asian American deportations, and to reach out to those disproportionately facing the challenges of COVID-19.”


Activism through Art: Intercollegiate Asian American Zine Workshop