Disorientation Guide


We are making a guide in which student organizers share what we wish we'd known as first-years. We'll be posting new and existing resources that you can use to learn about Harvard history as it relates to labor rights, slavery, gentrification, activism, & more. We will also share information about how to get involved in progressive advocacy movements on campus. To allow us to start publishing information as we work, we are making the guide in the form of an Instagram zine. The work that needs to be done includes outreach to other advocacy orgs, design, writing and finding content, and pubbing (publicizing) the guide.

Who should join the committee?

Please join if you are interested in graphic design, helping to contact advocacy organizations, or finding existing resources that we should share with first years who might be interested in getting involved with progressive movements!

Image Credit:

Disorientation Guide Instagram


Transformative Justice


BLM Solidarity